Basic Course
School of Ministry
MOS101: Ministry of the Saints
- What is Ministry?
- Ministry to the Body
- Introduction
- Prophecy & Serving
- The Ministry of Teaching & Environment
- The Ministry of Giving
- The Gift of Mercy
- Tools Needed for the effective Operation of various Ministry Gifts
- Word of Wisdom & Word of Knowledge
- Prophecy
- Gifts of Healing
- Working of Miracles
- Gift of Faith
- Discernment of Spirit
- Diversity of Tongues
- The Apostle’s Teachings
- Koinonia
- Breaking of Bread
- Prayer
- How do we Minister to the Lord?
- Ministry to the Church
- Ministry to the World
ACF101:Apostolic Christological Foundation
- A Believer
- A Disciple
- Servants
- Friends
- Sons of God
- Repentance From Dead Works
- Introduction
- Test & Proof of Faith
- The Purpose of Faith
- Water Baptism
- Holy Spirit Baptism
- Functions of the Holy Spirit
- Baptism of Fire
- Introduction
- Negative Impartations
- Introduction
- First Resurrection
- General Resurrection
- Like a Thief in the Night
- Introduction
- Judgment Day
- How to Prepare for the Day of Judgment
- Definition of Terms
ACF201:Apostolic Christological Foundation
- Eternal Judgement
HVG 1: Hearing the Voice of God
- Hearing the Voice of God
- How does God Speak?
- Hoe do we Recognize God’s Voice?
The Armour of God
- Introduction
- The Three Major Battlegrounds ( The Soul)
- GOD’S MASTER PLAN (From Jesus to Moses)
- The Belt of Truth
- The Breastplate of Righteousness
- The Shoe – Gospel of Peace
- The Shield Of Faith
- The Helmet of Salvation
- The Sword of the Spirit
- All kinds of Prayers
- Prayer of Supplications
- Prayer of Intercessions
- Prayer of Thanksgiving
- PRAISE: A Weapon of Warfare
- Q&A Session
TGG 101: The Grace of God
- Introduction
- Definition of Terms
- What does God’s Grace achieve
- How to recieve God’s Grace & What Grace is not.
SWF 102: Spiritual Warfare
- Definition Of Terms
- The Local Assembly
- The Local Assembly and THE Global Assembly
- Warfare in the Church
- Warfare in the Church (Pt 2)
- Strongholds of Flesh (Sexual Immorality)
- Strongholds of Flesh (Debauchery)
- Strongholds of Flesh (Covetousness)
- Strongholds of Flesh (Selfish Ambition)
- Strongholds of Flesh (Spiritual Pride)
- Strongholds of Flesh (Strife)
- Strongholds of Flesh (Witchcraft)
- Strongholds of Flesh (Witchcraft) (Part b)
- Strongholds of Flesh (Witchcraft) (Part c)
- Strongholds of Flesh (Witchcraft Divination) (Part d)
- Strongholds of Flesh (Witchcraft: How to Fight)
- Strongholds of Flesh (Sectarianism)
- Strongholds of Deception
- Strongholds of Deception (Ignorance)
- Strongholds of Deception (Ignorance) (Part 2)
- Strongholds of Deception (Instability)
- Strongholds of Deception – How to Overcome Instability
Heroes of Faith
- Heroes of Faith: Abraham
- Heroes of Faith: Abel
- Heroes of Faith: Enoch
- Heroes of Faith:Noah
- Heroes of Faith: Sarah
- Heroes of Faith: Isaac
- Heroes of Faith: Jacob
- Heroes of Faith: Joseph
- Heroes of Faith: Moses
- Heroes of Faith: Rahab
- Heroes of Faith: Introduction to the Judges
- Heroes of Faith: Gideon
- Heroes of Faith: Barak and Deborah
- Heroes of Faith: Samson
- Heroes of Faith: Jepthah
- Heroes of Faith: Faith and Giving
- Heroes of Faith: Samuel
- Heroes of Faith: David
- Heroes of Faith: Nathan the Prophet
- Heroes of Faith: Gad, Ahijah, Shemaiah
- Heroes of Faith: Elijah the Man of Faith
- Heroes of Faith: Elisha the Prophet
- Heroes of Faith: Isaiah the Prophet
- Heroes of Faith: Hosea the Prophet
- Heroes of Faith: Joel the Prophet
- Heroes of Faith: Daniel
- Heroes of Faith: Zechariah
- Heroes of Faith: Huldah, Nahum, Oded
- Heroes of Faith: Habakuk
- Heroes of Faith: Malachi
- Heroes of Faith: Prophet Iddo
- Heroes of Faith: Prophet Amos and Micah
- Heroes of Faith: Prophet Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Annah, Miriam and Agabus
Advanced Course - Coming Soon!
School of Apostles
- Who is an Apostle?
- ‘Prophets & Teachers
- Apostolic Duties: Laying Foundations
- Apostolic Christological Foundations
- Signs of Apostleship
- Title/Ordination Vs. Function/Calling
- False Apostles
- Last Day Apostolic Ministry
Advanced Course - Coming Soon!
School of Prophets
- Who is a Prophet?
- Duties of A Prophet
- Fields/Spheres of Influence
- Hearing God’s Voice
- Prophetic Inquiry
- Prophetic Recording
- Prophetic Bias & ‘Idols’ in the Heart
- Signs, Symbols, & Interpretations
- And More
Advanced Course - Coming Soon!
School of Teachers
- Who Is a teacher?
- The Teaching Gift
- The Rain: Teacher of Righteousness
- The Teacher’s Responsibility
- Categories of Hearers
- Communication & Expression
- Teaching Practice
- False Teachers
- Common Doctrinal Errors
Advanced Course - Coming Soon!
School of Pastors
- Who Is a Pastor?
- The Pastoral Gift
- Introduction to Shepherding
- The Good Shepherd, The Hireling, & The Wolf
- Duties of Shepherds
- The Shepherd’s Staff: Authority
- Categories of Sheep
- Judgment of Shepherds
- The Shepherd’s Reward
- Church Growth: Quality Vs. Quantity
Advanced Course - Coming Soon!
School of Evangelists
- Introduction to Evangelism
- Who is an Evangelist?
- Duties of Evangelists
- What is the Gospel?
- Who Should Evangelize?
- How Do We Evangelize?
- To Whom Do We Evangelize?
- When Do We Evangelize?
- Miracles, Signs, & Wonders
- Modes and Methods: Effective Strategies
- Evangelism Practice
Answer the call to ministry
Embark on a transformative journey, and become a vessel of God's grace at GAMKA School of Ministry